French OOB
Warning!!! Not 100% accurate due to lack Documentation and research/poor French book keeping
I did alot guess work using a lot different documents and books
List Of French Officers involved in the battle
Captain Francois-Marie Marchand de Lignery
Captain Charles Philippe de Aubry
Captain St Ours
Francois Coulon de Villiers
Lt. Sieur de Belestre
Ens de Corbière
700 French
Fort Duquesne Garrison
200 Troupes de la Marine
Détachement de Aubry
40 Troupes de la Marine
460 Milice Canadienne
800 Indians
500 Pays d'en Haut
300 Ottawa
98 Chippewa
75 Mississauga
27 Potawatomi
200 Ohio Indians
82 Delaware
81 Shawnee
26 Senacas
11 Mingo
100 Mission Indians
40 Iroquois
25 Abenakis
10 Huron
12 Algonkin
13 Nipissing
Book Links
The British Defeat of the French in Pennsylvania, 1758
Tomahawk and Musket: French and Indian Raids in the Ohio Valley 1758
The Papers of Henry Bouquet: December 11, 1755-May 31, 1758
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
Battle of Grant's Hill 1758 British OOB
Here is the OOB for my Battle of Grant's Hill 1758 Scenario
The British
OOB prior to the day of the Battle on September 14th 1758
Maj James Grant- Commander of the expedition
77th Montgomery's Regiment of Foot
Captain McDonald's Column (100 Men)
Captain McDonald
LT. A. Robertson /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. Campbell /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain Munro's Column (100 Men)
Captain Munro
LT. H.Munro /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. R.Mackenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain McKenzie's Column (100 Men)
Captain McKenzie
LT. A. McDonald /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. McKenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Advance Guard ? ( 29 men)
LT W. McKenzie /15 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
OOB prior to the day of the Battle on September 14th 1758
Maj James Grant- Commander of the expedition
77th Montgomery's Regiment of Foot
Captain McDonald's Column (100 Men)
Captain McDonald
LT. A. Robertson /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. Campbell /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain Munro's Column (100 Men)
Captain Munro
LT. H.Munro /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. R.Mackenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain McKenzie's Column (100 Men)
Captain McKenzie
LT. A. McDonald /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. McKenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Advance Guard ? ( 29 men)
LT W. McKenzie /15 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. McDonald /14 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Bodyguards to Maj Grant (32 men)
Ens Grant /18 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Ens J. McDonald /14 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
1st/60th Royal American Regiment
Captain Launder Column
Lt Bentinck /35 men 1st/60th RA
Lt Billings /35 men 1st/60th RA
Lt Ryder /34 men 1st/60th RA
Ens Jenkins
1st Virginia Regiment
Major Andrew Lewis
Captain Stewart's Column
Lt Baker /36 men VA Regt
Lt Campbell /35 men VA Regt
Ens Chew /35 men VA Regt
Ens Allen /35 men Va Regt
Maryland Provincial Regiment
Captain Ware Column
Lt Riley /25 men MD Regt.
Lt Mccra /24 men MD Regt.
Ens Harrison /24 men MD Regt.
2nd Pennsylvania Regiment
Captain Clayton Column
Lt Hays /52 men 2nd PA Regt.
Lt Reynolds /52 men 2nd PA Regt.
Delaware/Lower Counties Regiment Detachment
14 men - No officers
North Carolina Regiment Detachment
13 men - No officers
Baggage Guard
Captain Bullet
Ens Gist /22 men VA Regt.
Ens Hallar
12 men 77th foot
4 men 1st/60th RA Foot
4 men VA Regt.
4 men Maryland Regt.
4 men 2nd PA Regt.
Indian Scouts
William Trent?
22 Catawba's Warriors
15 Tuscarora's Warriors
13 Nottoway's Warriors
OOB on day of the Battle 7 AM September 14th 1758
Captain McDonald Recon party(100 men)
Captain McDonald
Ens Rhor / 60th RA
LT. A. Robertson /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. Campbell /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Main Party (485 men)
Maj James Grant
77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain Munro's Column (100 Men)
Ens Rhor / 60th RA
LT. A. Robertson /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. Campbell /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Main Party (485 men)
Maj James Grant
77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain Munro's Column (100 Men)
Captain Munro
LT. H.Munro /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. R. Mackenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain McKenzie's Column (100 Men)
Captain McKenzie
LT. A. McDonald /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. McKenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Advance Guard ? ( 37 men)
LT W. McKenzie /19 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. H.Munro /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
LT. R. Mackenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt.
Captain McKenzie's Column (100 Men)
Captain McKenzie
LT. A. McDonald /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. McKenzie /50 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Advance Guard ? ( 37 men)
LT W. McKenzie /19 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
LT. McDonald / 18 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Bodyguards to Maj Grant (36 men)
Ens Grant /18 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Ens J.McDonald /18 men 77th Montgomery's Regt
Maryland Provincial Regiment
Captain Ware Column
Lt Riley /26 men MD Regt.
Lt Mccra / 26 men MD Regt.
Ens Harrison /25 men MD Regt.
Delaware/Lower Counties Regiment Detachment
14 men - No officers
North Carolina Regiment Detachment
13 men - No officers
2nd Pennsylvania Regiment
Captain Clayton Column
Lt Hays /54 men 2nd PA Regt.
Lt Reynolds /54 men 2nd PA Regt.
Major Lewis Party (218 men)
Major Andrew Lewis
1st Virginia Regiment
Captain Stewart's Column
Lt Baker /37 men VA Regt
Lt Campbell /37 men VA Regt
Ens Allen /36 men Va Regt
1st/60th Royal American Regiment
Captain Launder Column
Lt Bentinck /36 men 1st/60th RA
Lt Billings /36 men 1st/60th RA
Lt Ryder /18 men 1st/60th RA
Ens Jenkins /18 men 1st/60th RA
Baggage Guard (57 Men)
Captain Bullet
Ens Hallar
Ens Gist /22 men VA Regt.
Ens Chew /35 men VA Regt
Indian Scouts (50 Warriors)
William Trent
22 Catawba's Warriors
15 Tuscarora's Warriors
13 Nottoway's Warriors
Fort Duquesne,
Major Grant
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Coming Soon a Scenario Design of the battle of Fort Duquesne or Grant's defeat 1758
Hello everyone,
sorry for my absence, I have been having some PC issues My father was in town for Easter and spilled a whole glass of Orange juice on my PC while I was at work!! So I had get new one and backup everything on it which took awhile...
Anyways I will posting my Design of a scenario for HPS FIW of The Battle of Grant's defeat 1758 over the next few days... Hope you enjoy any feedback or comments are welcome
sorry for my absence, I have been having some PC issues My father was in town for Easter and spilled a whole glass of Orange juice on my PC while I was at work!! So I had get new one and backup everything on it which took awhile...
Anyways I will posting my Design of a scenario for HPS FIW of The Battle of Grant's defeat 1758 over the next few days... Hope you enjoy any feedback or comments are welcome
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Turn 007 1758 Campaign
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Batteries continue rain fire on the British advancing up the fort George trying to delay their
advance. British 3 KIA
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The French
Batteries across the Oswego River Fire at Queens Rangers Advancing up the lake
road. British 4 KIA
Monday, February 13, 2017
Turn 006 1758 Campaign
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The British
continue to advance up the Fort George road while the French artillery fire
into the English ranks Killing one Stockbridge Indian and one Ranger. British 2
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The French
Batteries across the Oswego River fired a long distance shot killing 1 Ranger. Meanwhile a French Scout spotted the British
Slowly advancing up the Lake road. In response a Milice de Montreal 1/10
compagnie is sent forward to fire into flanks advancing British Column. British KIA 1
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Scenario playtest & Review Turns 1-12
Game: HPS SIMS French and Indian war
Scenario: custom - 1MPH_001.scn A Winter's Day
Author: Al Amos (Great map/Scenario designer)
Where to find:
Scenario Discription: 8:00 am 17 January, 1754 *Ficticious* An inter-tribal raid. Vengeance: a powerful motivation. To right a perceived wrong, Koeentwahka, a pekowi shawano (Shawnee of the pekowi division) sends out his warriors in two nandobani (war-parties) to attack the unsuspecting pokekooungo lenape (Delaware of the Turtle Clan) under Shannopin in their village along the Allegheny River. As the ogichidaag (warriors) and oshki-ogichidaag (young warriors or boys) of the manato' (snake clan) and pesawä' (horse clan) creep closer to Shannopin's Town they see parties of dasoode (families) out collecting water and firewood. Surprise is complete. Inside chief Shannopin has no inclining of the impending attack. Will he be able to protect his people outside the villages stockade without compromising his village's safety? Will the Shawnee get Delaware prisoners and get away, or will they suffer a humiliating defeat at the hands of Shannopin's tungulungsi (smallest turtle division) and maharolukti (brave division) warriors? OBJECTIVE: Side with the greatest losses looses. 1 VP per man.
Turn 1
I moved my Shawnee war parties forward, as the young Lenape Braves started to retreat back toward their village. I got lucky with a long shot hitting a young Lenape Brave in the head he fell limp, twitching to the ground. My war Chiefs let out fierce scalp whooooop!!! The veteran warriors of the Shawnee soon started to encircle the Lenape Braves in the Indian fashion. 1 Lenape KIA
Turn 2
My Shawnee Warriors completed encirclement and started laying down accurate Musket fire on the petrified Lenape Braves, two more Braves fall to my musket fire. The Shawnee warriors let our fierce war whoop, dropping their muskets pulling out their scalping knives and tomahawks in utter bloodlust. 2 Lenape KIA
Turn 3
My Shawnee Warriors attacked the Lenape Braves with scalping knives and tomahawks. Some of Lenape Braves then started singing their death song, getting ready for death, while some froze or even tried to run. Some even tried to put up a fight, but within a few minutes 14 Lenape Braves lay butchered and scalped on the ground. The Shawnee lost one Warrior. As he was killing one brave he was shot from behind, by a very young Lenape boy. The mortally wounded Shawnee was able to tomahawk the boy before he collapsed and died. 14 Lenape KIA 1 Shawnee KIA
My other War party that has been firing on the village hoping to keep the Lenape from exiting the village. My marksmen were able hit a Lenape Warrior as a party of Lenapes left the village. Meanwhile the large party of Lenape Warriors exiting the village moved straight toward my victorious War party looking for revenge . 1 Lenape KIA
I quickly surrounded this party of Lenape Warriors but these veteran Warriors where not going to be so easily dispatched as the young Lenape Braves. In a bloody hand to hand fighting with knives and tomahawks we each lost a warrior. 1 Lenape KIA 1 Shawnee KIA
Turn 6:
A small party of Lenape Braves came out the woods to fire into the rear of my warriors but I made them pay for this as I used my two Warparties to encircle this Lenape party.
My Warparty easily dispatched this Lenape party. However my other War party lost another warrior to a well aimed shot. 4 Lenape KIA 1 Shawnee KIA
Another party of Lenape warriors came running out of the village attacking my exhausted Warriors and easily routed them. I lost 2 Warriors and 3 units routed do to a bad turn of events.
I surrounded this last Lenape party and quickly dispatched them with tomahawks and knives, after this we went about scalping the dead Lenape. I was Lucky to eek out a Major Victory after destroying that last Lenape unit. 9 Lenape KIA
Scenario: custom - 1MPH_001.scn A Winter's Day
Author: Al Amos (Great map/Scenario designer)
Where to find:
Scenario Discription: 8:00 am 17 January, 1754 *Ficticious* An inter-tribal raid. Vengeance: a powerful motivation. To right a perceived wrong, Koeentwahka, a pekowi shawano (Shawnee of the pekowi division) sends out his warriors in two nandobani (war-parties) to attack the unsuspecting pokekooungo lenape (Delaware of the Turtle Clan) under Shannopin in their village along the Allegheny River. As the ogichidaag (warriors) and oshki-ogichidaag (young warriors or boys) of the manato' (snake clan) and pesawä' (horse clan) creep closer to Shannopin's Town they see parties of dasoode (families) out collecting water and firewood. Surprise is complete. Inside chief Shannopin has no inclining of the impending attack. Will he be able to protect his people outside the villages stockade without compromising his village's safety? Will the Shawnee get Delaware prisoners and get away, or will they suffer a humiliating defeat at the hands of Shannopin's tungulungsi (smallest turtle division) and maharolukti (brave division) warriors? OBJECTIVE: Side with the greatest losses looses. 1 VP per man.
Turn 1
I moved my Shawnee war parties forward, as the young Lenape Braves started to retreat back toward their village. I got lucky with a long shot hitting a young Lenape Brave in the head he fell limp, twitching to the ground. My war Chiefs let out fierce scalp whooooop!!! The veteran warriors of the Shawnee soon started to encircle the Lenape Braves in the Indian fashion. 1 Lenape KIA
Turn 2
My Shawnee Warriors completed encirclement and started laying down accurate Musket fire on the petrified Lenape Braves, two more Braves fall to my musket fire. The Shawnee warriors let our fierce war whoop, dropping their muskets pulling out their scalping knives and tomahawks in utter bloodlust. 2 Lenape KIA
Turn 3
My Shawnee Warriors attacked the Lenape Braves with scalping knives and tomahawks. Some of Lenape Braves then started singing their death song, getting ready for death, while some froze or even tried to run. Some even tried to put up a fight, but within a few minutes 14 Lenape Braves lay butchered and scalped on the ground. The Shawnee lost one Warrior. As he was killing one brave he was shot from behind, by a very young Lenape boy. The mortally wounded Shawnee was able to tomahawk the boy before he collapsed and died. 14 Lenape KIA 1 Shawnee KIA
Turn 4
My other War party that has been firing on the village hoping to keep the Lenape from exiting the village. My marksmen were able hit a Lenape Warrior as a party of Lenapes left the village. Meanwhile the large party of Lenape Warriors exiting the village moved straight toward my victorious War party looking for revenge . 1 Lenape KIA
Turn 5
I quickly surrounded this party of Lenape Warriors but these veteran Warriors where not going to be so easily dispatched as the young Lenape Braves. In a bloody hand to hand fighting with knives and tomahawks we each lost a warrior. 1 Lenape KIA 1 Shawnee KIA
Turn 6&7
Turn 6:
At this time my War party was pretty exhausted but I tried
one more assault. The fresher Lenape warriors were able to easily repulse my
assault and I ended up losing two Warriors in this failed assault. 2 Shawnee
Turn 7:
We settled into a slugfest firing away at each other, but
the Smoke and Muskets getting dirty as neither side had shots find their targets.
Meanwhile I moved my other Warparty to bolster my exhausted warriors.
Turn 8
A small party of Lenape Braves came out the woods to fire into the rear of my warriors but I made them pay for this as I used my two Warparties to encircle this Lenape party.
Turn 9
My Warparty easily dispatched this Lenape party. However my other War party lost another warrior to a well aimed shot. 4 Lenape KIA 1 Shawnee KIA
Turn 10
Another party of Lenape warriors came running out of the village attacking my exhausted Warriors and easily routed them. I lost 2 Warriors and 3 units routed do to a bad turn of events.
I surrounded this Lenape warparty hoping to destroy them in
the next turn but on the Lenape side of the turn, they turned back toward the
village leaving only one unit of 9 Lenape warriors to deal with a bit of good
Turn 11
I surrounded this last Lenape party and quickly dispatched them with tomahawks and knives, after this we went about scalping the dead Lenape. I was Lucky to eek out a Major Victory after destroying that last Lenape unit. 9 Lenape KIA
Turn 12
I started pull my victorious War parties back into the woods
and back to my Village.
I think this was a well thought out, and well put together
scenario, that really reflects the Nature of Native American Warfare of the
time period. I really like that you didn't have to assault the village to win
this scenario. Most Indian raids where lighting quick, attacking small parties
of their enemies that were either hunting or gathering. They would swoop in and
kill or capture whoever they could and get out before retaliatory strike could
be put together.
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