Step 1: Select which time period you want to make a scenario
Step 2: Research and gather information of time period you chose to create a scenario
I have decided for this scenario tutorial, I will be creating a small FIW scenario.
The Scenario
The scenario will take place in 1758, a scouting party of Rogers Rangers and Stockbridge Indians are returning to Fort Edward from a successful scout of French Fort Carillon, little did they know a war party of French and Indians have picked up their trail and has set up an ambush for Rogers..
Resources I used to make this scenario as follows:
Click links below
Journal of Robert Rogers
The History of Rogers Rangers
Knox, captain John; An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760
The journal of Jeffery Amherst, recording the military career of General Amherst in America from 1758 to 1763
Excellent Resources...!!!